SandS Counselling Services NE

Counselling & Psychotherapy
This is adult one to one therapy, where you sit with your counsellor in a private safe space so you can explore anything that concerns you.
This involves sitting with your counsellor exploring the relationship you are in. Whether this be gay, straight, fluid, transgender or just a complicated friendship.
Child & Young Persons
This means the child or young person working in any way they feel is suitable for them, this may be creative play or talking one to one.
Abuse and Trauma Therapy
This involves working through abuse or trauma of any kind, which can include emotional abuse, historical abuse or domestic violence. Whether in childhood or in the here and now
Our Approach
We are highly qualified and insured Person-centered therapists, we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). We use tools from other therapies to provide a unique service to you the client. Therefore each therapy is different as it is tailored for your personal needs during those times when you could be at your most vulnerable. We are registered members of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
About us
We, Sacha and Susan have over 20 years of experience in Counselling and Psychotherapy. This includes the years of studying, training and qualifying to be the best we can possibly be. All the while acquiring the knowledge we need to support individuals at their most vulnerable time.
Issues we work with include but not limited too:
Coping with the Menopause
Self Esteem
Domestic Violence
Coercive Control
Historial Abuse
Child Abuse physical, emotional and sexual
Child Neglect
Self Harm
All Relationship Problems
Anger Management
Autism Mild to Moderate
Mental Health adult and child
Covid related anxiety and depression
Our Qualifications & Training Include
Trauma Informed Practice Training
FDA Counselling & Psychotherapy level 5
FDA Counselling & Psychotherapy level 4
NCFE Counselling Skills level 3
NCFE Helping Skills level 2
Introduction into Counselling level 1
Understanding Children & Young People's Mental Health level 2
Awareness of Mental Health Problems level 2
Understanding Autism Level 2
Assessing and Managing Risk in Domestic Violence and Abuse
Child Protection Level 1, 2 and 3
Data Protection & Security Training
Self Harm & Suicide Awareness & Prevention Level 2
BAME Cultural Competency
Gender Inequality
Children Living with DVA
Teenage Relationship Abuse Training
Working with Male Perpetrators of DVA
Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
Domestic Violence and Abuse Awareness Raising Training level 1
Domestic Violence and Abuse, Ask and Act training level 2
Online Safety Training
Intrusive Thoughts and Critical Voice
Transference Level 1 & 2
Safeguarding Adults at Risk
Hypnotherapy & Cognitive Techniques For Stress Management Diploma
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training EDI
Understanding Cancer Support Level 2